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November 03, 2008


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What a beautiful song for such a beautiful couple! It brought tears to my eyes. We all have a lot to learn from the two of you... My thoughts are with you.

Stephanie and Eric-
I don't know you, but feel like I do through your friend and mine Christa. Your amazing spirits shine through her, and I just want you to know a little piece of you is now with me. I pray for you and I wear my Stephanie shirt with pride! You are truly an inspiration.

What amazing witnesses for the Lord you both are. Truly a "light" in the darkness. I would love to hear your testimony (Eric or Steph) as I am sure many would. Yet another way to point others to Jesus. I pray daily for your peace, comfort and understanding.

Stephanie & Eric,

This poem brought me to tears, what a witness to what a marriage of unconditional love is all about! All of you have been in our prayers here in JC MO. You are on all the Prayer list we could think of including the Carmelite Sister's here in town. God is such an awesome God and Stephanie's knows this and is spreading his Love to all those there with her and here on the blog. Larry and Betty you also are in our prayers as well as the children. I pray we all find the PEACE and LOVE that Stephanie has in our LORD. Just what an awesome testimony!!!

Eric, you have displayed and acted on every word of your poem/song you wrote for Stephanie. I was so blessed to be able to spend time with you and Steph, other family members and close friends last week-end. I have never experienced anything like that in my life and probably never will again. The love you show Steph is absolutely amazing. You are so loving, gentle and compassionate with her. You knew what she wanted before she could even express it. I thank God every day that God chose you for her husband. You know, God loved Stephanie so much that He sent her you. I was also greatly touched by the 20 family members and close friends that expressed so much love for the Vests. (Stacey also).
I will always treasure the awesome experience of seeing you care for her, being able to witness her lead her sister to the Lord, and the singing. The outpouring of friends, family and people on the blog that care so much has uplifted me consistently. I will never be the same person. My soul has been forever branded with the love and faith shown.
I love you and God bless.

My Aunt Pat (Janelles mom) told me to tell you that there is a whole convent of nuns praying for you and they wear PINK in honor of you Steph!!!! True story from St.Louis!

Your love is so strong and such an example to all of us-not only for eachother but for God. He has blessed you both with three beautiful children. You are so amazing. There are no words....
Witness miracles!!!

Those words were so beautiful, just as the relationship the two of you share. You have both truly found your soulmates. Most people NEVER find theirs. It just goes to show that whether a day together, 15 years together or 50 years together, you know that you have been so blessed. You two are also blessed with no regrets. You have loved each other thru sickness/health, richer/poorer and you both know how much you love each other. THAT is beautiful in its own right. THANK YOU for sharing your love with all of us. Praying for you, thinking of you in J.C., God Bless, Vickie K.

Eric & Steph-
You are truly blessed, and obviously as in love now as you were back in school...not many can say that. I'm praying for peace for you all...to feel the Father's arms and love envelope you through every moment.
"You give and take away...My heart will choose to say, Lord Blessed be Your Name."
All my love to you-

Now that is true love. What a wonderful world this would be if all married couples lived their lives such as you two. You have enriched my life immensely, and for that, I will always have a special place in my heart for you. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. God be with you!

Wow that was beautiful, such great stories and love you have for each other!! I am sending prayers from JC for continued peace and faith.

We all are seeing the face of our loving God through you, Stephanie and Erik. He is so awesome and so are you! Even though we have never met I feel so very close to you and I thank my God for your amazing witness to hundreds maybe thousands. God will reward you greatly! Thank you for sharing this site with me. I feel a closeness with all those sending comments. It's like having a whole bunch of new friends in Christ. Praying for his healing touch.

What a beautiful display of love for Our Heavenly Father and to your love for your bride. You have found what a true marriage is suppose to be. I have been praying for the entire Vest family to give you comfort, peace and most of all miracles. God Bless the Vest Family and friends.


While I knew Stephanie in college, I don't believe I've ever had the pleasure of meeting you in person. Nonetheless, after witnessing through this blog your faithfulness and your tremendous love for God and Stephanie, I'm so honored to be able to call you my brother. You've inspired me, and I'm sure many others, to let Christ make us into better men for the benefit of our families and God's Kingdom. Thank you!

Your Brother in Christ,
Chris Greeno

Absolutely beautiful! What a true inspiration the two of you are! Thank you for sharing your love for one another. Praying for a miracle....God bless you both.

That is something you could never get tired of hearing.

You are in our thoughts and prayers daily.

Thank you for sharing this with us. This is how God intended marriage to be. We are all so blessed by the two of you.

I am so thankful you have one another! I love you both so very much! Thinking of you both!

Steph & Eric,
You are both truly amazing. You make us all realize what's important in life. I have greatly appreciated how you have touched my life, my sisters & my mother.
God Bless...thinking about you guys every day.

Yet another example of God's love! An example for all to follow regardless of age. Love You two so very much! Jeanie

What an amazing poem and evidence of what it means to love someone so unselflessly. I don't know you personally Stephanie but have been following this blog religiously. I am always filled with emotion after I read the heartfelt comments written by your family and friends. It is amazing to me how much you have impacted people's lives and what an impression you have put on people's hearts. I am praying to God for you and for your precious family that he holds you all close to His heart and that he continues to grant you comfort, peace, joy and places His healing hands upon you. May God Bless You and Your Family!

You are surrounded by love...
You are such a strong person.
I pray that you are comforted by God's love for you. Eric, you are one of a kind, thank you for sharing with us! It is evident that you are Stephanie's
"rock." I pray for all of you taking care of Stephanie tonight.
Please hug her for me.

Hands down the best poem I have ever read!!!!

Stephanie and Eric -
You make me want to be a better person. Your faith and strength during this time is so amazing and your lives are a witness to so many. What good and faithful servants you are!

Stephanie and Eric -
You make me want to be a better person. Your faith and strength during this time is so amazing and your lives are a witness to so many. What good and faithful servants you are!

Stephanie and Eric - you make me want to be a better person. Your faith and strength during this time is inspiring and your lives are such an awesome witness to so many. What good and faithful servants you are.

As if we needed more evidence of the power of God and His love for two of His kids! Wow! THIS is marriage...what God had in mind when he created this unique bond.

Well said my brother...way to step up, be a true man of God and express your passion, your love, your commitment to your bride. That love will live forever!

Love ya E!

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